Breakdown cover

Please see the emergency breakdown contact details and further information regarding what cover is provided below.

UK 24-Hour Emergency Helpline:

01206 812 730

European 24-Hour Emergency Helpline:(If included in your policy)

00 44 1206 812730

If you're deaf, hard of hearing, or have trouble speaking, our app or website might be best. If you can't use those, text your full name, policy number, vehicle registration, and your postcode to:

07537 404 890

Grove & Dean e-Rescue Online:

Click here to quickly request breakdown assistance online via Grove & Dean e-Rescue

UK 24-Hour Emergency Helpline:

03301 235 441

European 24-Hour Emergency Helpline:(If included in your policy)

00 44 1737 334433

Text messaging is available if you are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech difficulties. Please text the word ‘breakdown’ to:

07624 808266

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